1. Three paramount films from 2014.
- Intersteller
- Transformers Age Of Extinction
- The Gambler
2. One Paramount Film Coming Out Later This Year.
-The SpongBob Movie: Sponge Out Of Water
3. One Production Company Owned By Paramount, and Films They Have Produced.
- Plan B Entertainment:
- 12 Years A Slave
4. Top Grossing Paramount Film Of All Time.
- Titanic
- Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
- Transformers: Dark of the Moon
5. Example Of A Film Distribution By Paramount.
- Transformers: Age of Extinction
6. Non Film Producing/Distributing Company Owned By Paramount.
- Paramount Hotels and Resorts.
7. Other Media companies owned by Viacom.
- Channel 5
- Comedy Central
8. Why is Paramount pictures considered a major film studio?
- They a considered to be this because they are a member of the big five, and are also vertically integrated.
9. What genres, styles, and types of films does Paramount Pictures typically product?
- The produce big, action driven, blockbuster films that are successful that occupy a large percent of the film market. (around 10%)
10. How successful are Paramount as a major film studio?
- I Paramount are a successful film company because theyMake a huge amount of money. For example, Transformers: Age of Extinction, is in the top three growing films of 2014.
11. Give some examples of media convergence shown by paramount.
- They have produced things like tv channels, apps to promote there films like the Transformers game to attract an audience.
12. How do Paramount Distribute their films?
- Because they are vertically integrated, they distribute most of their blockbuster films themselves.
13. What, for you, are the major differences between Paramount and Film4 Productions?
- The Main difference, in my opinion, between Paramount and Film4 productions are that Paramount are a major production company that produce large blockbuster action based films, while Film4 produce indie films that are usually low budget, drama films.